Daily Archives: May 29, 2018

5 Star Gold Award


Maree and Shiloh were this week’s recipients of the coveted 5 Star Gold Award.

Maree was awarded hers for persevering in her maths, despite the difficulty of the task, and Shiloh received the award for always trying her best in French.

Congratulations girls, well deserved!

Last Week’s 5 Star Gold Award


Last week, the 5 Star Gold Award was given to Ethan and Ruaridh H.

Ethan received the award for always giving 100% in everything he does, and for having an enthusiastic and positive attitude throughout.

Ruaridh was given the award for some great work across several areas of learning- his reading, writing, maths and technology tasks.

A very well done to both of the boys, and apologies for the delay of this post.

Daviot Tough Mudder

David Elder and Steven Bone are taking on the challenge of the Tough Mudder to raise funds for more outdoor equipment/ sheds.  Here is their story –

‘Daviot Primary School is a small rural school just outside Inverness. As a school we are trying to improve the outdoor learning experience for all the children. Last month many parents got together with children and staff to improve the grounds. We did a power of work to clean, paint and plant. Unfortunately there is very little outdoor play equipment and the storage sheds are in bad repair. There isn’t enough money in the school budget to replace these things so Dave and Steve are going to do Tough Mudder this year to raise funds for our wee school. Katie and Archie who are both 10 years old will be doing mini mudder to support their dads. Please sponsor the boys and Katie! Your sponsorship would be very much appreciated. Thank you’

The link to their Just Giving Page is below –

JustGiving Page



Shinty Taster session

Katie Drain from the Cammanachd Association will be visiting Daviot Primary to run a Shinty taster session this Friday (1st).

Letters have gone home today with further details.  Please return the tear off slip if you DO NOT want your child to take part.


Cluster Sports Day

As last year, we will be holding a Daviot and Strathdearn Cluster Sports Day.  This will be held at Strathdearn Primary School on Wednesday 6th June from 1.45-3pm.  The children will be split into mixed age and school teams to complete a course of potted sports.  We hope as many of you as possible will be able to come and spectate.

Please let us know if your child will need to be returned to Daviot for 3pm or if you plan to collect from Strathdearn. If your child normally travels on the bus, please let us know if this is still required as soon as possible. 

RagBag Bin is here!

Delighted to say our RagBag bin has been delivered.  Please feel free to bag up any WEARABLE clothes, shoes, bags and belts and deposit them in our bin. All items MUST be bagged.

Each time the bin is emptied it will help to generate funds for the school.