Daily Archives: November 23, 2018

5 Star Gold Award

This week the 5 Star Gold Award was presented to Katie and Daisy.

Daisy was given her award for her independent written work about her Ice Prison.

Katie was given her award for using her literacy skills ( VCOP) to write an amazing monster description.

Well done girls- Super Work!


Pyjama Day- Rebels

What a cosy Friday we’ve had! To mark the end of Scottish Book Week, Mrs Pirie started us off with an assembly all about ‘Rebels in stories’. She then shared an extract from a book about her favourite rebellious character: Pippi Longstocking.

Class 1 and 2 have had lots of opportunities to share stories today, including ones from home. We also gave out some Bookbug bags to P1 and Read,Write,Count bags to P2 and P3. The children had the chance to share some of their new books at school, but are looking forward to exploring their packs further at home.
